Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Dr. Penelope Allison, Australian National University

Email: Pim.Allison@anu.edu.au

Research interests:

Roman and Australia historical archaeology: Roman painting, household archaeology, gender and space.

Research areas:

Roman Italy, particularly Pompeii; western Roman provinces; western NSW, Australia.

Past and recent research:

1. The wall paintings of the Casa della Caccia Antica in Pompeii - painter workshops, typology and iconography.
2. Pompeian Households - the use of space in Pompeian houses; the abandonment processes of the city. The compilation of relational databases to investigate for the distribution of household activities.
3. The Insula del Menandro in Pompeii: The Finds - artefact distribution and artefact function in the buildings in this city block in Pompeii.
4. The Kinchega Archaeological Research Project - living conditions at a 19th- and early 20th-century pastoral homestead in western NSW, with particular attention to household production and consumption patterns.
5. Engendering Roman Spaces - feminist approaches to Roman spatial archaeology, especially domestic space, military space and public space.

Recent and Main Publications:

2002. Main author with Frank Sear, The Casa della Caccia Antica, H?user in Pompeji 11. (Munich: Hirmer).

2002. Recurring tremors: the continuing impact of the AD 79 eruption of Mt Vesuvius, in R. Torrence and J. Grattan, eds, Natural Disasters and Cultural Change, 107-125 (One World Archaeology series, Routledge, London and New York).

2002. Colour and light in a Pompeian house: modern impressions or ancient perceptions, in A. Jones and Gavin MacGregor, eds, Colouring the Past: The Significance of Colour in Archaeological Research, 195-207 (Berg, Oxford and New York).

2003. Pompeii households: Analysis of the material culture, Monograph 42 (Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA - to appear in 2003).

Pompeii households: Analysis of the material culture, Database associated with Monograph 42 of Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA, (http://www.stoa.org/pompeianhouseholds)

2001 P. M. Allison. Using the material and the written sources: turn of the millennium approaches to Roman domestic space, Journal of Archaeology 105: 181-208.

2001 P. M. Allison. Placing individuals: Pompeian epigraphy in context, Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 14.1: 54-75.
