Saturday, November 25, 2006
Dr. Craige B. Champion, Syracuse University
Craige B. Champion
Associate Professor of History
Department Chair
145 Eggers Hall / Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY 13244-1020
Tel. 315-443-2594 / Fax 315-443-5876
Academic Specialization
Ancient Greek and Roman History, Greek and Roman Historiography, Ethnic Identity Formation in Classical Antiquity, Politics of Culture in Ancient Greece and Rome, Greek Democracy and Republican Rome, Imperialism in Classical Antiquity
1. B.A. History, summa cum laude, College of New Jersey, 1984
2. Summer Latin/Greek Institute (CUNY), New York, New York: 1984 (Greek); 1986 (Latin)
3. M.A. Classics, Princeton University, 1989
4. PhD. Program of the History, Archaeology and Religions of the Ancient World, Princeton University, 1993
5. PhD. Classics, Princeton University, 1993
Recent Rome-related publications:
Roman Imperialism: Readings and Sources, Editor. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 2004. Interpreting Ancient History Series. (ISBN 0-631-23118-8 hardback; 0-631-23119-6 paperback)
"Romans as Barbaroi: Three Polybian Speeches and the Politics of Cultural Indeterminacy," Classical Philology 95 (2000) 425-44
"Roman Classic Biases and Greek Political Strategies in the Second Century BC." Conference: Class Struggles in Ancient Greece, 15-16 April, 2005, Scripps College, Claremont, CA, 4/16/05
"Roman Religion and Roman Statecraft in the Second Century BCE." Third International Conference on Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations (Russian Academy of Sciences), Moscow, Russia, 6/18/04
"Religion as a Mechanism for Social Control in the Roman Republic (ca. 220-ca. 185 BCE)." Workshop in Religion and Society, Department of History, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, 3/26/04