Friday, July 23, 2004

Andrew Wallace-Hadrill

"Andrew Wallace-Hadrill is director of the British School at Rome and Professor of Classics at Reading University. An expert on Pompeii, Professor Wallace-Hadrill was awarded the AIA James R. Wiseman Award in 1995 for his book, Houses and Society in Pompeii and Herculaneum (1994). He has written several other books including, Augustan Rome (1993) and Suetonius: the Scholar and his Caesars (1985)."

He is presently director of BSR's Pompeii Project.

"The project aims to take a small slice of the city, a single block of houses or insula, excavated first half a century ago, yet never published, and to see what can be said about it now to cast light on the city, its history and its life. Its three main components are archival research into the original excavation of 1952-3, the artefacts then excavated, recording and analysis of the standing remains, and the excavation of levels below that sealed by the eruption of AD 79."

His work has also served as resource material for such interesting programs as "The Private Lives of Pompeii" produced by Channel 4 and "Roman Empire in the First Century" produced by PBS.

His enthusiasm is so natural and refreshing, its contagious! I even sent an e-mail to The Teaching Company asking them to produce some courses on Rome with Andrew as the professor. I see Andrew produced an excellent article on Pompeii for the BBC website.